Sunday, January 27, 2013

Long Lost

I'm still alive.

Taking every breath.

I found this randomly searching through my email. My words would make the hoes tingle. :-)


When you do go to sleep,
what do you think about?

Dream about?

In your fantasy world,
what do you live without?

Is pain and strife nonexistent?

Is it a world where you are hardly ever timid?

Unafraid of yourself
Your possibilities
Your destinies

In my fantasy world, you are one of the rulers

Measuring me up,
Dictating the rules of my love.

Your charisma and power is something I could have never dreamed of.

As we lay in my bed,
Preparing ourselves to enter our domains imaginary,
I only have one request for now.

I ask that we fall asleep with our lips touching so our souls can converse through the night.

Fully sharing thoughts and memories without rations.

Making the rules and breaking the rules of our passion.

Continuously lighting our flame
For everytime we ignite, my fantasy world comes to light.


Friday, November 2, 2012

At the moment....

Greetings, I just want to thank whoever and whatever higher power for allowing me to live my life. To have the freedom and courage to have an adventure, all while working and learning. I have a new found sense of understanding of the person I want to be.

I am more conscious of the things I say, especially when I am talking to my nieces and nephews. I NEED to motivate them to know that they can take risks. They can make money and be Great people!!! I love those babies. The struggles that they are enduring now WILL make them better people. They don't realize that now, but one day they will. I hope that they use the experiences that they are going through and understand that life can get better. Happiness is possible at all ages. They must become enlightened and show others the way to enlightenment. Yes, it is a process......Don't be fooled. It's a worthwhile process. life in New York is cool. Despite popular belief....I'm not broke. I still work everyday. I am maintaining a 4.0 in Grad school. I'm happy. I wake everyday looking at a brick wall....but I can catch glimpses of sunshine. I know that I have rough times ahead because I remember rough times that I have left behind.

I am in talks with an agency in San Francisco that truly sounds like a great opportunity. I would be working on a major account and the salary isn't too shabby. It will be very interesting to see where this leads me. I'm open to traveling anywhere. I just need to make sure it's the right fit for me. The firm that hires me needs to understand that I am dedicated and hard-working, but I'm also goofy as shit.

I call that Balance. :-)

Damn....I need to do some yoga. I found a studio around the corner from the crib. I will be checking that out. They actually have a class called "Power Nia". Holla if you hear me!!!! LOL. I went in to get information last week and there was a guy who was mad cool. Said that he never met anyone named Nia before. I'm probably the only NIA you need to know. HA!

In closing..... Be careful of the things you say. Remember karma is activated by thoughts, words, and actions.

Love. N*

Friday, October 19, 2012

State of Mind....

First and foremost, I need to stop making grammatical errors. That is not even my steelo.

I read my previous post and it was chock filled with errors. Check....then double check Nia. You know better.

So......I'm in New York.

For good.

This feels amazing and surreal and encouraging. Being here is just going to be good for me. Struggles and all. I have this overwhelming sense of calm, yet I'm eager and hungry and excited to see what I am really capable of. I can do this. I can so do this.

I'm happy. Regardless of what I do and don't have. I'm growing as a person. I need to continue to learn life lessons. Remember these lessons. Continue to enlighten. It's bringing me closer to enlightenment. Life is really about to start. Hell yes!!!!

Maybe it's the excitement. Or the uncertainty. Life is really happening and I'm taking every advantage of it. Adventure time!

Love yourself always.

Be happy.


P.S. Thank you Taryn. Really. For continuously motivating me to change my life. For continuing to change my life.  <3

Friday, September 14, 2012

How long has it been??

I have literally been in my own little world for so long, I have managed to neglect the only place that kept me sane. I'm pretty sure that no one reads my blog. Shit, I don't even write on the damn thing anymore. But that needs to change. I have a lot of projects going on so these will definitely help me keep everything together in one spot. I have notes on napkins, in my iPad, in my notebook, in my calendar, and online. Blah!! TOO damn much.

Random thought: I really want to go to Red Lobster. They are having ENDless Shrimp!!! Hell yeah!!!!!


At the moment....

 - Start sketching for Queen or Concubine. Too damn excited to be designing. This is going to be amazing!

- Continue research for community garden. Take measurements for indoor and outdoor test gardens. Continue to research hydrophonic options.

- Continue business plan for community garden. Begin business plan for Purpose Management. Learn this software.

- Stay focused on your homework! Must get an A this term.

- Start recruiting for As I Am. Confirm number of products being tested (last count: 4). How are they planning to change the Curling Jelly?

- Discuss SMSi project with Deej and Sandy. Explore experiental strategies being used. How can these be adapted for gift bags? Consumer outreach is main objective of project. Develop a relationship with these respondents. Quaker meeting? That's all I can think of right now.


- Continue job search. Put yourself out there. You are doing well. Continue to maintain positive relationships with connects.

Follow-Up....that's what you do!



Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have all types of game, but I need to become a better executer and closer. Clearly I've been watching a lot of basketball lately. Lol. 

When you do go to sleep,
what do you think about?

Dream about?

In your fantasy world,
what do you live without?

Is pain and strife nonexistent?

Is it a world where you are hardly ever timid?

Unafraid of yourself
Your possibilities
Your destinies

In my fantasy world, you are one of the rulers

Measuring me up,
Dictating the rules of my love.

Your charisma and power is something I could have never dreamed of.

As we lay in my bed,
Preparing ourselves to enter our domains imaginary,
I only have one request for now.

I ask that we fall asleep with our lips touching so our souls can converse through the night.

Fully sharing thoughts and memories without rations.

Making the rules and breaking the rules of our passion.

Continuously lighting our flame
For everytime we ignite, my fantasy world comes to light.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Roll Call

I wonder who really reads my blog.

I just post just because I need a virtual library for the things that I want and need and feel and wonder and believe and desire.

If you do read my blog, thank you. N*

Got a big ego

One thing I have learned.

I must remove my ego from all situations.

Especially in love.

Who am I?!

Who am I to be upset that someone decides to talk to someone else?

Who am I to be mad that people don't drop everything to tend to me?

Who am I to be sad and bothered by someone doing what they feel is best for their life?

I would love to be the person that the world revolved around.

But I'll leave that shit for Beyonce.

I have to remove my ego and my insatiable desires from all situations. 

My life will reflect my choices.

No one else's.

My love will reflect an ego-less, balanced, and chemistry-laced bond that you and I will create.

I finally understand that people have to do what is best for them (while they are there) and I would be stupid to ask them to put everything on hold for me (while I am here).

Who am I?


Monday, April 23, 2012

Busy Week Ahead

This will be my first TV Production and I'm so very excited.

Excited to get experience and luckily, the whole production staff is more than willing to help me with whatever I need during this campaign.



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random thought

On December 21, 2012........

I want to be in another country.......

Making love......

Just in case.
