Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I have all types of game, but I need to become a better executer and closer. Clearly I've been watching a lot of basketball lately. Lol. 

When you do go to sleep,
what do you think about?

Dream about?

In your fantasy world,
what do you live without?

Is pain and strife nonexistent?

Is it a world where you are hardly ever timid?

Unafraid of yourself
Your possibilities
Your destinies

In my fantasy world, you are one of the rulers

Measuring me up,
Dictating the rules of my love.

Your charisma and power is something I could have never dreamed of.

As we lay in my bed,
Preparing ourselves to enter our domains imaginary,
I only have one request for now.

I ask that we fall asleep with our lips touching so our souls can converse through the night.

Fully sharing thoughts and memories without rations.

Making the rules and breaking the rules of our passion.

Continuously lighting our flame
For everytime we ignite, my fantasy world comes to light.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Roll Call

I wonder who really reads my blog.

I just post just because I need a virtual library for the things that I want and need and feel and wonder and believe and desire.

If you do read my blog, thank you. N*

Got a big ego

One thing I have learned.

I must remove my ego from all situations.

Especially in love.

Who am I?!

Who am I to be upset that someone decides to talk to someone else?

Who am I to be mad that people don't drop everything to tend to me?

Who am I to be sad and bothered by someone doing what they feel is best for their life?

I would love to be the person that the world revolved around.

But I'll leave that shit for Beyonce.

I have to remove my ego and my insatiable desires from all situations. 

My life will reflect my choices.

No one else's.

My love will reflect an ego-less, balanced, and chemistry-laced bond that you and I will create.

I finally understand that people have to do what is best for them (while they are there) and I would be stupid to ask them to put everything on hold for me (while I am here).

Who am I?
